We are at a crucial time for Windsor Hill Wood.
We have the exciting opportunity to purchase the house and land here in Shepton Mallet. Your generosity can help secure our future so that we can continue to support people who stay with us who have been homeless and those who are on the road to recovery from addiction and mental health issues.
We have already raised over £500,000 in loans and pledges and we now need to raise the last £100,000.
Can you help us?
You can make a one-off donation via BACS to:
Windsor Hill Wood
Lloyds Bank Plc
Sort Code: 30-99-29
Account number: 24939960
or by sending a cheque (payable to "Windsor Hill Wood") to Rock House, Windsor Hill Lane, Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 4JE. Please don't forget to claim Gift Aid if appropriate. You can download a form here.
Every penny raised will help us reach our £100,000 target.
Donate using one of the methods outlined above.
so that we can claim back from the taxman 25p for every £1.00 you donate, at no cost to you. Download our gift aid form here.
You can offer corporate support in a number of ways, such as by making a donation or donating equipment or materials for maintenance or our smallholding’s activities, or adopting us as your Charity of the Year.
Become a part of our work and help us reach new audiences by running a fundraising event and sharing our appeal with your own networks. You can find some ideas below.
Donations can be made via BACS using the details below. Alternatively, there are a few other options available to you.
donate by post to:
Rock House, Windsor Hill Lane, Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 4JE.
(Cheque payable to Windsor Hill Wood.)
donate via bacs payment
Windsor Hill Wood
Lloyds Bank Plc
Sort Code: 30-99-29
Account number: 24939960
call or email the wardens for more information
Chris & Katharine Thompson on 07305 217150 or email contact@windsorhillwood.co.uk

Here are a few ideas for how you could raise funds safely for us even whilst socially distancing:
Sponsored walk, run or cycle outdoors, or you could do this on a treadmill or exercise bike! (& link your sponsors to our Virgin Money Giving page)
Sell your unwanted stuff on E-bay and donate the proceeds to WHW
Organise an online virtual pub quiz or bingo night with friends and family
Christmas jumper day with your work colleagues
Virtual Bake-Off – share recipes and show off your creations
If you’re a clever crafty person you could make things and sell to friends or on Ebay or Etsy and donate proceeds to WHW
Online Gig – are you a talented musician or singer? Could you put on a gig and get your friends to pay to listen in?
Birthday fundraiser – Staying home and self-isolating means that social gatherings and parties are on hold. Encourage your friends and family to forgo birthday presents and donate to your birthday fundraiser instead.